Faith Formation (CCD)
Saint Mary Parish provides a Faith Formation Program for children (grades 1 through 8)
who attend public school. This program offers our children the opportunity to share in
our Catholic heritage, rich in scripture, liturgy, doctrine and tradition.
Our Faith Formation Program includes:
Sacramental preparation programs for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation, involving parents and children.
Weekly Traditional Religious Education classes (grade 1 through 8) from September through May.
Radiant Joy, a Summer Program offered as an alternate to the Fall/Winter Program
The focus of the program is to guide our children in forming a deeper relationship with God and the community through the Scriptures and the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. Children and parents are encouraged to participate in all parish activities.
Volunteer Catechists are invited to share their “gift of faith” with our children. Catechists’ Programs of training and certification are provided. Please contact Suzanne if you need additional information or would like to be a catechist.
Faith Formation Contacts
Suzanne Pfirrman
Parish Catechetical Leader
Jessica Parks
Faith Formation Assistant