Life Teen is a movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. Life Teen strengthens our teens' Catholic identity, while rooting them firmly in Christ and in His Church.
We believe that when a teenager encounters Christ through the beauty of the Catholic faith, they will transform their parish, community, and culture. We’ve seen it happen time and time again.
As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. With the Blessed Virgin Mary as our intercessor and guide, Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the Sacramental power present within the young Church.
Central to the success of our Life Teen Ministry here at Saint Mary Parish is our Sunday 5:00pm Life Teen Mass and Life Night where teens encounter Jesus and experience Christian community among their peers. Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the Sacramental power present within the young Church, leading teens closer to Christ.
We welcome all high school teens to join the Saint Mary’s Life Teen for an experience like no other. Not only will you make friends and have fun, but you will have an opportunity to grow in your faith and come to know Jesus personally!
Ministry Contact:
Want to learn more, please contact our Youth Minister, Matej Zivkovic: mzivkovic@stmarychurchnj.org