Lent 2025 Challenge

Thank you for taking our Lenten Challenge! Below, you will see the daily challenges with useful clickable links to access the necessary information. Some days have "BONUS" Challenges! If you feel called by the spirit, go for it! This is all about your journey this Lent!

Please join our special Facebook group for this Lenten Challenge – “Saint Mary’s Lenten Group” for daily reminders & challenges and tons of helpful resources!

March 5, 2025 - Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Today's challenge is to just pray! Quiet your mind and just talk to God. It doesn't have to be scripted or in a dark room with candles, a few minutes in your car will work just fine! Just be open and talk. Start by thanking God for all of the blessings in your life. Ask God to give you strength and guidance this Lent to deepen your relationship with Him. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are off to a great start!

March 6, 2025 - Say “Have a Blessed Day” to everyone you encounter today – your mailman, your boss, the stranger on the street, the coffee shop barista, you get the idea - everyone! - *BONUS* - Want to really go for it? Instead, say “God Bless You!”

March 7, 2025 - Pray the Rosary today. Has it been a while? No worries, you can pray it as a community with Domestic Church Media on the radio 89.3 FM live, daily at 5:30am, 9:30am, 3:30pm, 9:30pm. If those times do not work, the Relevant Radio website has an on demand audio version to walk you through it with the text! (relevantradio.com/pray-the-rosary/), select day of the week, and click play! (The words are all there!)

March 8, 2025 - Fast from gossip today. It’s sneaky. Catch yourself & replace it with love, empathy, & care for others. Gossip can sneak up on you.  A community with less gossip, is one that is more loving, empathetic and caring.

March 9, 2025 - Don't run out of church! Enjoy a cup of coffee or a cookie (ok, go for both) after mass for fellowship. Talk to someone new or stop by the welcome table in the Narthex.

March 10, 2025 - Listen to Christian radio in the car or at home. Listen carefully to the words. Are they speaking to you? We have 2 local stations that can be heard on the radio or online STAR 99.1 FM (star991.com/)  and K-LOVE 95.5 FM (listen.klove.com/).   If you haven't tuned in lately you will be amazed! Give it at least 15 minutes, you may get hooked! -  *BONUS* Program the station in your car and tell a friend to listen too!

March 11, 2025 - Leave for work/errands just 15 minutes early (or on your way home) and stop by our Adoration chapel 26 Leonardville Road, New Monmouth, NJ. Never been inside? Not sure what to do when you get there? Find out more here -stmarychurchnj.org/adoration. *BONUS* Already an adoration adorer? Tell a friend, or sign up to substitute an additional hour for someone. Go deeper this Lent at adoration.

March 12, 2025 - Read John 6:35-40. (If you don’t have a bible handy, google it!) Pray on how does Jesus’s promise make you feel?

March 13, 2025 - Pray for the soul of someone you loved who has passed. *BONUS* Read up on why we pray for those who have passed. dioceseoftrenton.org/why-pray-for-the-dead  *DOUBLE BONUS* Make a plan to visit the cemetery or call one of their relatives and let them know you are praying for them.

March 14, 2025 – Pray the Stations of the Cross. www.ewtn.com/catholicism/devotions/stations-of-the-cross-12706  Why pray alone? Join us live for prayer, soup and fellowship 5:30pm in the Bulman Center.

March 15, 2025 - Start your day with a family prayer. Pray with those in your house or call a family member or friend and pray together. It doesn't have to be scripted, Jesus just wants to hear your voice!  *BONUS* Let the kids lead the prayer. God loves little voices.

March 16, 2025 - Today focus on your “domestic church”, that means your family! After mass, do something together, play a game, cook together, go for a walk, talk, etc. but no devices.

March 17, 2025 - Pray for forgiveness. If there is someone that really needs it, let it go. Forgiveness is the gift for ourselves from Jesus, and not the person who wronged you. Sometimes the person we need to forgive the most is ourselves! *BONUS* Let the person know that they are forgiven!

March 18, 2025 - Make sure to say grace every time you eat today. Yes, we mean before meals AND before you sneak a treat between meetings. It's a super easy way to thank God multiple times a day. Find a new grace to say at dinner time. *BONUS* Make it a game with your family and have them google it and pick a new grace.

March 19, 2025 - Pray the Our Father today, with intention. Go line by line. It’s the Lord’s perfect prayer! (Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.) *BONUS* Pray the Our Father out loud with someone.

March 20, 2025 - Pray for our priests! We are SO incredibly blessed at St Mary's with such humble, brilliant, dedicated men of God - Father Jeff, Father Jordan, & Father Mark. www.usccb.org/prayers/prayer-priests- *BONUS* Let's thank them for all they do for our parish and our spiritual lives. Reach out to them directly, or email them at stmarylentchallenge@gmail.com or write a handwritten note! (Notes can be dropped off at parish office or at welcome table in Narthex.)

March 21, 2025 - Care for a caregiver today! Pray for someone you know who is taking care of others. Ask the Lord to provide them with the strength and resources they need. Is there something you can do to let them know you care? Why not carpool even if it’s not your day, make a single mom and her family a meal, surprise an someone who is caring for his/her parents with flowers, or send them a note or text of support, etc.  Sometimes just being there to listen is an incredibly powerful gift. *BONUS* Pray WITH them!

March 22, 2025 - Pray for the poor! *BONUS* Fill up a bag of non-perishable food for the poor and place in the designated boxes in the Narthex. *BONUS* Find out more about the ministries supported by St. Mary’s that help the poor. Are you called to arch volunteer? stmarychurchnj.org/parishministries/saintvincentdepaul; stmarychurchnj.org/parishministries/thebarn ... Or think of another way you can support the poor. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35

March 23, 2025 - Pray and learn The Prayer of St. Michael. www.ewtn.com/catholicism/devotions/prayer-to-st-michael-the-archangel-371

March 24, 2025 - Pray for our Music Ministry. We are so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing choir at Saint Mary, Mother of God Church.  "When you sing, you are praying twice!" Let’s pray that the voices of our music ministry continue to lead us closer to the Lord. Send a quick email (stmarylentchallenge@gmail.com) or write a note of thanks. (A handwritten note can be dropped off at welcome table at the Narthex or at the parish office.) Let them know what they mean to our parish! *BONUS* Ever thought of joining the choir? Check it out and see if it's for you. stmarychurchnj.org/musicministry

March 25, 2025 - Pray for what is weighing heavy in your heart. Pray for someone who needs prayers. There are no small prayers for Jesus. *BONUS* We are committed to being a community that prays for each other. Let us pray for your intentions. Fill out an online request stmarychurchnj.org/prayer.  Our parish staff prays weekly on Wednesdays for our parish intentions.

March 26, 2025 - Read Philippians 4:4-9. (If you don’t have a bible handy, google it!)  How do you rejoice in the Lord?  What else can you do?

March 27, 2025 - Pray for St. Mary's Edge, Life Teen, & Young Adults groups.  Let's lead the next generation into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church! Want more info: stmarychurchnj.org/formation/lifeteen and https://stmarychurchnj.org/youngadults    *BONUS* Tell a pre-teen, teen, or young adult about these amazing about the ministry groups. LifeTeen meet on Sundays and the Young Adult group meets on Wednesdays.  Pray on how you can support the amazing work they do - are you called to be a Core member? Can you buy/cook the group a meal? Can you volunteer to set up for an event? Are you called to sponsor a student on their next trip? Can you commit to pray for them weekly?

March 28, 2025 - Pray the Stations of the Cross. www.ewtn.com/catholicism/devotions/stations-of-the-cross-12706  Why pray alone? Join us live for prayer, soup and fellowship 5:30pm in the Bulman Center.

March 29, 2025 - Invite someone to church this weekend! What a gift you will be giving them. Sometimes people have it in their hearts to attend church, but they just need the invitation.  *BONUS*  Let them know how this Lent has been different for you this year. Encourage them to just start where they are. "Where Two or Three are Gathered in My Name, I Am in Their Midst" Matthew 18:20

March 30, 2025 – Pray for a stranger that you encounter today! We all have burdens, some are just hidden better than others.

March 31, 2025 - Be the reason someone smiles today. Let them see Jesus in you. It can be a small gesture or a grand one. Pray on it and let Jesus help you decide.

April 1, 2025 - Read about one of St. Mary’s parish ministries from our website. Pray for all those who they serve and for all of the volunteers who serve our church. stmarychurchnj.org/parishministries  *BONUS* Are you called to volunteer? How can you help?

April 2, 2025 - Play "bible roulette". What's that? Grab a bible and flip to a random page and point to a verse. See what the Lord wanted to you find! *BONUS* Keep going! Read a few! Play with your family. Let them pick it!

April 3, 2025 - Try to remember who was the saint you selected for your confirmation. Google them and read up on that saint. Do they have their own prayer? Pray it! Can't remember your saint? No worries, pick one!  *BONUS* Relevant Radio has a free series audio performance of the saints. Check it out! www.themerrybeggars.com/shows/the-saints

April 4, 2025 - Ever been to a healing mass? Need to be prayed over? Today is the day! Join us at 6:30pm worship music/7pm mass. (Unable to be in person, watch livestream on YouTube. www.youtube.com/@SaintMaryMotherofGodChurch)

April 5, 2025 - Start your day by doing an examination of consciousness. Here's a link to help www.stroseanthem.com/uploads/docs/youthretreats/examinationofconscienceworksheet.pdf  *BONUS* You've already done the hard part, so now get the benefits of confession! Jesus wants you to give Him your sins so it releases you! Confessions at St. Mary's are today (Saturdays) from 1pm - 2pm in the Narthex.  (Confessions are also available at St. Mary’s Thursdays 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM.)

April 6, 2025 – Pray for all of our deacons at St. Mary's (Deacon Bill, Deacon George, Deacon Marty, Deacon Tom, Deacon Carlo). Pray for their strength to do all of the good wok God has for them.   Send a quick email (stmarylentchallenge@gmail.com) or write a note of thanks. (A handwritten note can be dropped off at welcome table at the Narthex or at the parish office.) Let them know what they mean to our parish!

April 7, 2025 - Pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Need some guidance? Domestic Church Media is here to guide you.  *BONUS* While on The Domestic Church Media website, check out other programming and resources available.

April 8, 2025 - If you are a techy person, research a Catholic app to add to your phone. Some of our favorites are Laudate, Relevant Radio, St. Mary Parish Middletown NJ, etc.

April 9, 2025 - Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.  How do you show God’s love to others? How do you show love to people you disagree with?  What can you work on?

April 10, 2025 - Pray for our bishop in the Diocese of Trenton - Most Reverend David Michael O’Connell. We could not be what we are without the support of our incredible bishop.   Here is a little about him. www.dioceseoftrenton.org/bishop-david-m-oconnell-cm   *BONUS* Write him a note. Let him know how much St Mary's love him! (All letters/notes can be dropped off at the parish office or at the Welcome table in the Narthex. Emails can be sent to stmarylentchallenge@gmail.com and all will forwarded to the Diocese of Trenton.)

April 11, 2025 - Watch at least 15 minutes of "The Chosen". You've heard about the show in Father Jeff's homilies. There’s a free "The Chosen" app or online atwatch.thechosen.tv.  Start with Season 1, Episode 1. (NOTE: Episode 1 is intense so if you are watching with kids, we recommend watching Season 1, Episode 3 instead).  *BONUS* If you are all caught up, watch your favorite episode again!

April 12, 2025 - Take time to prepare for Holy Week. How will you show up for Jesus next week?  Attend church as much as possible during Holy Week. Make sure to plan your schedule with the holy masses & services in mind. Can you juggle your schedule to accommodate more time in adoration or daily mass? Check the church bulletin for all mass and service dates and times. Digital bulletins can be found at www.stmarychurchnj.org/bulletin

April 13, 2025 - Tell a child about Jesus and that Jesus loves them. It may be a little one in your house, or a child you see at church today, or maybe you have to pick up the phone. Get creative! Read them a children's book about Jesus, give examples of your own life, make them a palm cross, teach them a prayer, pick a clover from your lawn and describe the Trinity. Just start the conversation of the true meaning of Easter!

April 14, 2025 - Thank God for all of your many talents, the big and small ones. Pray on how God wants you to use those talents to spread His word. Can they be used for ministries here at church?  Don’t hesitate to let us know your skills and talents and we can help you find the right ministry! Email us at stmarylentchallenge@gmail.com.

April 15, 2025 - “Player’s Choice!” Select one of the daily challenges that you have previously completed this Lent and do it again.

April 16, 2025 - Flip to the middle of the bible and find the psalms! Randomly read one and contemplate it. Don't have your bible handy? Here is an online resources: www.sacredbible.org/catholic/OT-21_Psalms.htm   *BONUS* Read more than one! Go for it!

April 17, 2025 - Pray on the phrase “Be as quick to pray as you are to text.”   Plan how you can increase your prayer life after this challenge?

April 18, 2025 - Turn off all devices and shut down social media during the day today (as much as possible). Ouch! Painful, we know, but the Lord is literally hanging on the cross for us... talk about pain & sacrifice.  *BONUS* Have a rule that at night, the only TV/device entertainment are ones related to Jesus programs.

April 19, 2025 - Congrats on making this Lent a special one! Please click link for your feedback & to hear Father Jeff’s special Easter message. Click here.

April 20, 2025 – He is RISEN! Hallelujah! Have a beautiful and blessed Easter!



St Marys Lenten Calendar


Saint Mary, Mother of God Church
19 Cherry Tree Farm Road
Middletown, NJ 07748

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Shrine (Perpetual Adoration)
26 Leonardville Road, New Monmouth, NJ

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls.

Our Father

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.