Saint Mary's Athletic Association
The Saint Mary's Athletic Association (SMAA) has been a big part of Saint Mary's parish since the 1970's. The SMAA began with parents who wanted a fun and safe recreational sports outlet for their children. Starting with winter basketball, the SMAA grew to include summer basketball, fall soccer and spring soccer. Basketball has grown to include Kindergarteners through 8th grade. Recent soccer seasons have seen over 1000 children playing in divisions from 4 years to 14 years. Our program is a success because of the wonderful parents who volunteer to coach a league whose slogan is "It's For The Kids!"
SMAA seeks to provide recreational youth sports opportunities within the guidelines provided by the Diocese of Trenton and the Parish of St. Mary. Our first priority is the safety and enjoyment of the children who participate in our programs. In keeping with these principles, all coaches must be certified through the Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic and complete instruction in the Virtus Protecting God's Children Program. In addition, the Diocese of Trenton conducts background checks on all SMAA coaches, referees and administrators.
For information on Saint Mary's Athletic Association please visit their website at www.smaa-nj.org or email them at info@smaa-nj.org.