The Catholic Daughters
of the Americas
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is a long-standing organization of Catholic women founded in 1903. They are devoted to their faith in Jesus Christ and the church, guided by the inspiration of the Blessed Mother. The purpose of this group is to support charities, provide scholarships, and offer aid in times of pain, poverty, sorrow, or sickness. Their motto is "Unity and Charity."
With over a century of existence, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas now have 70,000 members who pay dues. They are organized into 1,250 local chapters, called courts, spread across 45 states in the United States, as well as in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, Kenya, and Peru. These women gather at meetings for companionship and dedicate themselves to serving their parishes and communities.
Deeply rooted in their spirituality, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas share a strong faith and a distinct feminine spirituality, as emphasized by Pope John Paul II when he spoke of the importance of the "feminine genius" in today's world. Their program addresses the concerns of the church and society, particularly issues affecting women and children. Through their Legislative Program, members are encouraged to stay informed about laws that may impact their faith and to reach out to their state representatives to express their personal beliefs through Operation Morning Star.
Girls and young women between the ages of 6 and 18 are welcome to join the Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas. College-aged women can also join Campus Courts at certain universities. The New Monmouth Chapter was established in 1954 and extends an invitation to anyone who would like to join, regardless of whether they are members of the Parish of Saint Mary. Meetings are typically held on the second Wednesday of each month from September to June, at St. Mary Chapel located at 26 Leonardville Road, New Monmouth, NJ 07748.
For more information or to join, you can contact Kathleen Poracky at kporacky@hotmail.com