Saint Mary’s Respect Life Ministry
The Saint Mary Respect Life Ministry has been a part of the parish of Saint Mary, Mother of God Church for years. Our mission is to raise awareness and promote respect for all life, especially for the lives of those who are most vulnerable - the unborn, elderly, and disabled. We do this in accordance with our Catholic faith, through prayer, witness, and action.
Some of our recent activities include a spiritual adoption program, baby bottle campaigns, a pro-life rosary rally, and pro-life holy hours. We participate with others in the March for Life, 40 Days for Life, and other regional and national pro-life programs. We support local organizations like Birth Right and Good Counsel Homes.
We have monthly meetings and regular holy hours. To find out more, visit our website at stmarynjrespectlife.org or email us at StMaryNJRespectLife@gmail.com to get involved.